Blackfriars Bridge in London is a great and favourite location of mine in any type weather. 

You can shoot from dark to light offering silhouettes and with it being on the South Bank you get a diverse range of people, cyclists, skateboarders and scooters constantly passing by. Different times of the day or indeed days will see a difference in the flow.

During inclement weather its great spot for Umbrellas, hats, people seeking shelter from the conditions. The area is also prone to flooding during heavy rain leaving large puddles which gives you a chance at reflection shots. If it has rained within the last day or so before your intended visit then it is likely the puddles will still be there.. The barriers and wall of the embankment offers great leading lines and there are cycle parking facilities which means you can shoot through bicycle wheels or frames to add geometry or shapes to your images. Don't forget to look on the shoreline if the tide is out you will often see people looking for old clay pipes, relics and items left behind on the ebbing tides.

This was my first outing with a Fuji XT4 and 10-24 F4 IS combination, at St Pancras and Kings Cross in London. Coming from Canon cameras I found it a somewhat difficult process as to me the Fuji menu system is not as straight forward as the Canon. I like the somewhat analogue feel and retro styling of the Fuji and I shall perceiver with it for now. However I will not be parting with my Canon cameras and lenses any time soon. I prefer full frame to APS C, especially in low light plus it allows more freedom to crop the image if needed without loss of quality.

In the process of planning and finalising some trips for this year to some new destinations.

My Top Nine most liked images on 2023 on Instagram

A big thank you to everyone who looked, liked and commented throughout the year. It always much appreciated.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year
Right Up My Street is a new fine art street photography zine which will be available in 2024.

It is a sixteen page digital zine featuring 14 high resolution black and white images shot in London in a fine art style.
The zine will be available in PDF Format suitable for Tablets / PDF Readers / Computers / Mobile Phones.
Chasing Shadows Zine featuring Images from Lisbon is on Sale for August at can be purchased at 25% off the original price, 

London Noir Zine remains available in both Print and Digital formats.

I am fortunate and thankful to have four images featured in the 1st August 2023 Amateur Photographer Street Special Edition. The magazine may be purchased at local stores or from the publisher here
Story behind the Image

I love a good spy thriller and I had recently seen the movie The Courier. This in turn sowed the seeds for an image with a spy type feeling. In my mind the man looking over his shoulder gave a suggestion of being wary of his surroundings perhaps even compromised. Placed alongside another image I had taken at the same location but of different individuals I had the ingredients for the image I was after in my minds eye. This image sits alongside The Man From Lisbon.
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